
November 30
No visitation today. The girls and I celebrate our own sabbath service on the deck attached to our home. We spend some time discussing Advent and preparation for Christmas. The rest of the morning is taken up with household Advent and Christmas decorating. In the afternoon and evening I enjoy a Saints victory! Who Dat! Betsy and celebrate our normal Sunday evening hour of television watching the mid-season finale of the Walking Dead. Wow … it was a shocker.

November 29
In the morning we straightened and cleaned up after the company of the past few days. The afternoon and evening is all football. The day starts out perfect with USC demolishing Notre Dame … Fight on Trojans! Great joy continues to be experienced especially for Kyle as Alabama comes back to destroy Auburn in the Iron bowl. Congratulations to Ole Miss on winning the Golden Egg.

November 28
Yes, even after thanksgiving I manage to attend an early morning workout. After returning home we spend the morning helping family get packed and saying goodbye. It was a lovely visit with all my in-laws.

November 27
Thanksgiving day 2014. It’s kinda nice to hear early morning commotion in the house from little children. It’s also nice to know that I don’t have to wake up with them!

Time with family, great food, football games and a phone conversation with my mom and dad … I have lots to give thanks for.

November 26
Early morning workout. I spent at least half the day working at home on various projects. The other half day is spent getting ready for Thanksgiving company. All Kyle’s family will be joining us, tonight, for the holiday. That means 6 adults and 3 children under the age of 4 in addition to the 4 of us. I made at least 7 trips to the Kroger for various things that we “kept forgetting.”

November 25
The day begins with staff meetings. After those meetings I have a phone call with meeting followed by an annual visit with Elizabeth Wheatley-Jones. Elizabeth and I were in seminary at the same time. It’s great to catch up and hear about her ministry at All Saints in Grenada. After meeting with Elizabeth I walk over to the Cathedral to videotape an Advent meditation for their Advent reflections. It’s a great project.

November 24
Early morning workout. The girls are on thanksgiving break so it’s kind of a lazy day. I don’t think either of them woke up until noon.

November 23
Visitation at St. Pierre’s in Gautier. At the principal service I celebrate, preach and confirm (2). After church we enjoy a great meal in the parish hall. Following lunch I met with the Mission committee. Many thanks to Cissy and Hunter Isaacs as well as the parish for their kind hospitality.

November 22
Morning meeting with the LGBT ministry task force.

November 21
After breakfast we have concluding meetings. On my way to the airport I give thanks for these colleagues who will be mentors, advisors and partners in ministry.

November 20
The day is full of meetings and discussions. My head hurts from trying to digest all the new information and on several occasions I find myself saying “Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

The day ends with a celebration of the Eucharist in Mandi’s chapel a gorgeous worship space given in loving memory of a deceased camper.

After worship we enjoy a delightful meal and fellowship.

November 19
I have to skip my normal workout in order to catch the first leg of a flight to Jacksonville for the Province 4 HoB gathering. After arriving at the airport it seems that my flight is delayed and then delayed again! I take advantage of the new departure time by leaving the airport and going to the pool for a workout … a great way deal with a delay. After another delay in Atlanta  I finally arrive at Jacksonville, FL and begin the trip to Camp Weed.

The camp and conference center are located on an aquifer. It’s really a beautiful setting. I’m pleased to see many of the Bishops I’ve already become acquainted with. It’s also nice to meet others for the first time.

November 18
Early breakfast meeting with Bishop Kopacz of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jackson. It’s nice to spend time with another new bishop.

Upon returning to my office I realize that the heat doesn’t work at my end of the Allin house! That needs to change! You could hang meat in here. Staff meeting in the morning followed by paperwork and correspondence. Over lunch I meet with Bishop Gray, members of the disaster response task force and Katie Mears from episcopal relief and development. This is a crucial and important ministry that I hope we won’t need but, know that we will.

In the afternoon I meet with the Rev Jody Burnett. After meeting with Jody I do my best to get things straightened out in my office before tomorrow’s trip to the province 4 meeting of the house of bishops.

November 17

Early workout.
Day off!

After an early supper with Kyle and girls I attend an Ultreya gathering. The group is made up of cursillistas from St. Philips, St. Peter’s, St. Andrew’s and Chapel of the Cross. It’s great to pray and enjoy fellowship with members of this community. I appreciate the chance to share my journey of faith and vision.

November 16

Visitation at St. Christopher’s in Jackson. It’s really nice to have a short drive! At the service I baptize 2, confirm 3 and reaffirm 2. It’s an awesome service with great music! I love the service music from Lift Every Voice. After church we enjoy a lunch in the parish hall followed by a short discussion led by me. The visit ends after a meeting with the mission committee. I’m very grateful for the ministry of this parish and their Priest in charge Cecil Jones.

Made a visit to a friend who is hospitalized. Its good to spend some time catching up and even better to see that he looks good and seems to be getting better.

I return home and watch the 4th quarter of the Saints loss to the bengals. They’re killing me!

Afternoon nap and supper out with Kyle and girls. Yay!

November 15
Morning trip to Gray center for a short visit to the ECW conference. Bishop Michael Curry is the speaker. I’m sure everyone appreciates Michael’s passion for preaching.

In the afternoon I attend a visitation for a former parishioner. Following the visitation I have a short meeting and phone call appointment. I return home in time to watch the Bama-State game with Kyle. Great game. I hate that somebody had to lose! I like the watching Dak Prescott play and I’m impressed with how Dan Mullen leads the Dawgs.

November 14
Early morning workout. Morning meeting in the office with John Lever. In the afternoon I meet with a company that designs Apps for organizations. Yes … I’m looking at the possibility of an iPhone and Android App for the diocese!

November 13
Morning and early afternoon meetings in the office with Bishop Clay Matthews from Presiding Bishops Office for Pastoral Development. Bishop Matthews and I meet in the morning to discuss the changes relative to my new vocation. Over lunch and into the afternoon Kyle joins us for discussions relative to the transition within our family. It’s really good and helpful!

November 12
Early morning workout.

Morning meeting with an aspirant for Holy Orders.

Lunch meeting with the Mississippi Episcopal Aids Committee. Major focus of the meeting is planning and details for the upcoming Aids remembrance the first week of December. There are a number of events planned including opportunities to pray and view the Aids quilt.

Afternoon meeting with Bishop Gray for the continuing exchange of information.

November 11
Morning prayers include those for Veterans, I can’t help but think about my dad who served in the RAF and US Army Air Corp during World War 2. I need to make time for trip to California to visit him!

Staff meetings in the morning. Those meeting are followed by several phone appointments. In the afternoon I meet with Chuck Barlow regarding our continuing relationship with the Anglican church in Uganda.

November 10
Morning work out. Day off.

November 9
A busy day with visitations at St. Alban’s, Bovina and St. Mary’s, Bolton! At St. Alban’s I preach, celebrate, baptize (1), confirm (5), receive (2) and reaffirm (2). At the service I’m assisted by the Rector, Billie Abraham and the parish Deacon Josie Williams. Following the service there is a luncheon and adult forum in the parish hall. The St. Albans portion of the day closes with the a vestry meeting at the rectory. I am really impressed by the vitality and energy within this parish!

After the vestry meeting Billie and I drive to Bolton for the afternoon service at St. Mary’s. Prior to the service I have the opportunity to speak with the congregation in a forum setting. During the service we are joined by the Mississippi Girls choir. They offer a prelude and offertory anthems … it’s beautiful … they are a talented group of young women with excellent leadership. Following the service I enjoy fellowship and then stuff my pockets with snacks for the drive home.

November 8, 2014
After breakfast with other visiting bishops I attend the service of Ordination and consecration for the diocese of East Carolina. It’s a beautiful service. There is much joy and celebration. After the service I head to the airport for flights home. I arrive home around 9pm with enough time to watch the end of the Alabama-LSU game with Kyle and the girls.

November 7, 2014
Early morning workout. I worked from home in the morning while getting ready to travel to Greenville North Carolina for the ordination and consecration of their new bishop the rev Robert Skirving. Rob will soon replace me as the newest bishop in the Episcopal church! I arrive in Greenville in time to enjoy supper with others attending the ordination  including Bishop Marble.

November 6, 2014
Breakfast meeting with bishop gray, chancellor Tate, canon McCormick and canon Johnson. I appreciate the sharing of information and wisdom at these meetings. After returning to the office I have further meetings with bishop gray and canon Johnson.

Later in the morning we proceed to St. Andrews cathedral for a meeting with the delegates and alternates to 2015 general convention in Salt Lake City.

Afternoon meeting with the rev. Seth Walley associate rector at St. James in Jackson.

November 5, 2014
Early morning workout after which I drive to Parchman state prison for an 11am service at St. Vincent’s. The start of the service is delayed so I spend time catching up with the rev. David Langdon and the very rev. Julia Moore. The service finally starts about 60 minutes late. I preach, celebrate, baptize 2 and confirm 3. It’s a really spirit filed and awesome celebration. After the service I enjoy. Late lunch with the congregation. Our ministry at Parchman touches many lives. Many thanks to David Langdon and others who keep this important ministry going.

While driving home I keep a phone appointment and make several other contacts.

November 4, 2014
In the office for staff meetings. These meetings are followed by an annual visit and lunch with the Rev. Will Lowry, rector at epiphany, tunica. Following lunch

In the afternoon bishop gray and I meet with canon McCormick and the rev. Jody Burnett regarding the various services at council in February.

November 3
Day off. Early morning workout followed by rest and relaxation.

November 2
Visitation at St. Paul’s in Corinth. This is my first time in this far north part of the state. It’s really pretty and there’s lots of history. I need to spend some time up here visiting the parks and learning the history.

At the service I preach and celebrate assisted by the Rev. Ann Benton Fraser, rector. The Rev. Billy Walton, Deacon at All Saints, Tupelo serves as my Chaplain. It’s a great service with lots of joy and healthy spirit. Following church we have fellowship during a pot-luck lunch. After lunch a parish forum takes place with Deacon Walton and I speaking. Naturally my segment is a “meet the coadjutor” while Billy speaks about the vocational diaconate. I’m amazed to meet 2 parishioners who were professors at Pepperdine and resided in my hometown of Thousand Oaks, CA! Small world! Also, in attendance at the service are members of the EYC at All Saints, Tupelo.

Long drive home and then supper with the girls.

November 1
In honor of All Saints Day … I slept in! Later in the morning I accomplish a number of tasks around the house.

I leave in the middle of the afternoon for a workout followed by the drive to Corinth for a visitation at St. Paul’s. It’s nice to workout before a long drive!

I arrive in Corinth in time to catch the end of the Ole Miss/Auburn game. I can’t believe how the game ended! I hate it for Ole Miss and Treadwell! It hurts to watch!

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